REMEMBERING 1325 Inscription CITY OF CHALK. In the ninth line of the whole content of the inscription Kotakapur consists of ten lines written in a letter Pallawa Ancient Malay "private Saardha niroga swastanirupadrawa subhisa muah yam wanuanya pawaris / / cakawarsatita 608 dim pratipada cuklapaksa quarterly maichaka, tatkalanya" translated "(thank goodness (he) , congratulations, not a disease, it is not subject to harm and also in the entire region prosper. Years Caka been running 608 on the first day of the bright half, in Waicaka (April-May) tatkalanya) ". Based on the nine lines of inscription Kotakapur contents can be known, that the stone inscribed (inscription) phallus-shaped hexagonal with a thickness of about 18 cm and the bottom has a thickness of 32 cm, with a height of 1.77 m, complete with its base (Yoni) a length 90 cm, width 52 cm and height of 17 cm were found in the location of the site within the Village District Kotakapur Mendobarat Bangka by JK Meulen in December 1892 was 1325 years old.
Kotakapur inscription is one of the oldest relics Kedatuan Srivijaya inscriptions found outside the island of Sumatra and is the oldest written evidence about the island of Bangka. Remark on inscriptions, among others explain, that about the year 690 Kedatuan Sriwijaya has developed wings and conquer other kingdoms in Sumatra. This fact is reinforced by the 5 pieces of relics Kedatuan Srivijaya inscriptions, all written with letters in Malay ancient Pallava. Kedukan Bukit inscription found near Palembang, dates to the year 605 Saka (683 AD) tells the sacred journey (sidhayatra) conducted by Dapunta Hyang Sri Jayanaga by boat. He departed from Minangatamwan with the army as much as two laksa (approximately 20,000 people), and succeeded in conquering some areas. With his victory Sriwijaya prospered (Sriwijaya means glorious victory). The second inscription is the inscription found near Palembang Talang Tuo, framed in 684 AD about making Sriksetra park on orders Dapunta Hiyang Sri Jayanaga for the prosperity of all beings, all the hopes and prayers written in the inscription shows that Kedatuan Sriwijaya population practice Buddhism Mahayana. The third inscription found near Palembang Telaga Batu, not framed in and the contents of the curses are very sinister against anyone who commits a crime and do not obey the king's commands, and inscriptions found in Kotakapur fourth, fifth Bangka and inscriptions found in Corals lust, in the Jambi Hulu. Contents last two inscriptions is the same, except for the last sentence of the inscription Kotakapur that does not appear in the inscription Coral passion that the phrase "the earth is not subject to the Sriwijaya Java". Two inscriptions is framed in 686 AD, and it is a request to the gods who guard kedatuan Sriwijaya to punish any person who intends evil and rebellion against the authority of Srivijaya, and to ensure the safety of those who remain obedient and faithful. Two of these inscriptions indicate, that the island of Bangka and the Merangin (Malay) in the year 686 it was conquered by Srivijaya. Meanwhile, the king tried to also beat (Earth java). Maybe once the earth is Tarumanagara Java. Although West Java alone there is no information from the 7th century, but according to Chinese news To-lo-mo in 669 years is still sending envoys to China. Competition between the two countries is very reasonable, because each wants to master the seas around the island of Bangka the intersection of three roads voyage between Indonesia-China-India. This is also why Sriwijaya Palembang and Jambi seized, two of the most important seaport on the west side of this cruise and that is the key intersections Bangka three. (Soekmono, 1973:38-39). When glory Kedatuan Sriwijaya, Bangka Strait is a bustling trade traffic lane. Based on the writings Ma-Huan, a writer who participated in the expedition Cheng Ho around in 1420 saying "ships that come from anywhere through the Strait of Peng-Chia (Bangka Strait)". Bangka Strait region and the island of Bangka then the next time to be more strategic importance since the discovery of tin as well as the island of Bangka Island to be the largest producer of white pepper in the world, known as Muntok Pepper. Because of the tight groove width and depth of shipping and sea in the Strait of Bangka different, causing the condition is very dangerous for shipping, the Dutch government to build a monumental beacon tower at Cape Kelian in 1864 with the form and style of British architecture.
Besides the inscription written evidence Limestone City, the oldest evidence of Bangka island from research conducted by a joint research team from the Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-orient (EFEO, France), Palembang Archeology and National Archaeological Research Center (Jakarta) performing survey and excavation at the site Kotakapur from May 5 to August 18, 1996. In World Kotakapur found fort building land, the remaining structure of the temple buildings, statues of Lord Vishnu (severed hand with a slug or syangka attributes and leg pieces, yoni are all made of stone and slag as well as a number of pottery shards from the South China Century 12 - 13 during the Sung dynasty. Several pan (low cauldron) made of iron are also found in the context of the ruins of the temple, although believed to be the remains of a new. these findings refer to a variety of human activities in the different past is both religious and everyday life (Tri Marhaeni, 1995:2).
The rest of the temple structure that is not intact anymore to make a statue of Vishnu temple is evidence that this is a temple of Hindu god Vishnu worshipers stream known as the Vaishnava stream. When the temple was built and by whom can not be known. Based on estimates iconographic, statues of the four-armed Vishnu is generally older than the seventh century AD in general, even older anyway and Kotakapur inscription made by the king of Srivijaya in 686 AD. Can be estimated temple site Kotakapur established before the presence of the kingdom of Srivijaya. Other evidence of the results of Carbon 14 pertanggalan assert, and prove, that the fort land surrounding the site is not a result of man-made medieval style statues but approaching the age estimated from the sixth century AD. All this information has indirectly put Kotakapur as one of the world's most important sites in the West Indonesia (Junus Satrio, 1996:13).
From sources inscriptions and archaeological evidence at the site Kotakapur above it can be concluded, that based on its shape, inscriptions Kotakapur very interesting because it is similar to the tradition megalithikum Menhir building and of the form or inscriptions Kotakapur apparently very different form Srivijaya inscriptions other relics round shaped oval. The existence of building megalithikum closely related native traditions or beliefs of Indonesia, such as the worship of ancestral spirits and any material or object has the strength or spirit. Menhir is a pole or pillar, which was founded as a warning sign and symbol of ancestral spirits in the tradition of animism and dynamism, thus becoming the adored object at that time. After the entry of Hindu influence in Indonesia occurred acculturation and building the worship of Shiva and Scakti (wife) is often made in the form of Linga and Yoni symbol of which is the building resembles Menhir, as the inscription on Kotakapur. Apparently megalithikum tradition is also growing rapidly in Bangka Island prior to the period of history or nirleka (without writing; pre-literacy or prehistoric) and to this day the tradition artifacts megalithik (boulders) in various forms still can be found in several places on the island of Bangka like Baturusa, Batubalai, Batubuaya, Batuperahu and various buildings megalithik (large stone) more. From the contents of the inscription on the stele Kotakapur using Pallava letters indicate that there has been contact with the culture of South India. Pallava letters are letters or characters are developed and used in South India (Pallava kingdom) III to VII century AD. Then from the language used in the inscription Kotakapur the ancient Malay, showed that in about the seventh century AD in the Pacific have been there and grown Malay as the language of instruction, because it is impossible inscription as a warning or as a law created that can not be read and understood by the local people at that time. When we examine the contents of the inscription Kotakapur on the fifth line that reads "Jaya, Talu muah yes dngan gotrasantanana, tathapi sowanyaknya wuat yam evil, makalangit makasakit Uram, makagila, mantragada wisaprayoga, wages Tuwa tamwal" which means "broken also by his relatives, as well as all those, whose evil deeds, make broken people's minds, hurt, make crazy, doing witchcraft spells, can use (poison) upas, betel tuba ", are the things or acts that are very common and often done by people on the island Bangka even now still do, so it's natural if the king of Srivijaya make laws that would punish any person who intends evil and rebellion against the authority of Srivijaya, as well as ensure the safety of those who remain obedient and faithful. Ancient Malay language is also used at the beginning of the four relics Kedatuan Srivijaya inscriptions are found on the island of Sumatra is the inscription Kedukan Bukit, Talang Tuo, Telaga Batu Karang and lust. Furthermore, the most important conclusion is that the contents of the inscription Kotakapur shows information about the names of Srivijaya as the name of a kingdom or kedatuan was first known by the researchers of the contents Kotakapur inscription written on the 2nd line sentence kedatuan listed Sriwijaya (kingdom of Sriwijaya), row-4 Sriwijaya posts listed datu (king of Sriwijaya), and line 10 is listed Sriwijaya balla posts (troops Sriwijaya).
Based on inscriptions and archaeological sources can be concluded, that at about the sixth century BC, or about a hundred years before the triumph and conquest of Srivijaya, on the island of Bangka, precisely around the site Kotakapur there is a kingdom with a sufficiently advanced civilization, it is powered from literary sources India, in the Book of Mahanidesa written around the third century BC to name a few islands, such as Swarnabhumi (Sumatra), Yavadvipa (Java), and Wangka (Bangka) meaning tin. Based on the record pastor I-Tsing his way in 685 AD, mentions the order of the country from west to east, is written the name of Mo-ho-hsin after Shih-li-fo-shih (Sriwijaya) and before the Ho-ling, that is, Mo- ho-hsin located between Sriwijaya and holing. According to Nia Kurnia Sholihat Irfan Sriwijaya in the history books published in 1983, stated, that at least one cruise from Srivijaya to Holing must advance through a place called Mo-ho-hsin. Historians are still not arrive at a consensus in identifying the Mo-ho-hsin, for some to mean the Banyuasin, however, based on Kotakapur Inscriptions found on the island of Bangka shows, in the seventh century AD in this area there is a conquered country Sriwijaya is quite important, so the king of Srivijaya feel the need to put any inscription persumpahannya Bangka Island. Until now it could not be ascertained the exact translation of the word Mo-ho-hsin. According to Nia Kurnia Sholihat Irfan, most likely said Mo-ho-hsin related to the Sanskrit word, meaning moha "confused" or "dazed," as such, is probably not a coincidence that today is called Bangka island, because it arises from the old term -farts are usually directed to people who are old and confused.
The height of the sea around the island of Bangka intersection of three roads voyage between Indonesia, China and India is one of the main causes of the development of civilization on the island of Bangka. Sriwijaya state income is derived primarily from the trade, such as export commodities and import duties on foreign ships that stop at ports belong to the kingdom of Srivijaya. One researcher of history of Srivijaya, J.C. van Leur, detailing the types of export commodities, namely wood aloes, camphor, sandalwood, ivory, pewter, ebony (black wood), wood sapan, spices, and frankincense, while according to Arab news, commodities trading and derived from Srivijaya in those days was cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, areca, aloes wood, wood sapan, spices, sea turtles, gold, silver, and pepper. Commodities such as turtles, aloes wood, incense, spices (pepper), areca and tin are relatively many commodities produced on the island of Bangka, instead there is a place on the island of Bangka called Pangkalpinang (nut in Chinese called pinlang or pinkong) showing many Pinang trees planted in the area. Findings Kotakapur slag on the site shows that tin ore have been discovered on the island of Bangka tin during this period and is a mixture of materials to make the goods of bronze (bronze is a mixture of copper and tin) using a technique of cire Perdue. Bronze or Bronze Age culture is not a culture of Indonesian native. Bronze Age known Indonesian people from the influence of Dong Son culture in the Tonkin China. The inclusion of Dong Son culture and then spread to Southeast Asia, including Indonesia shows clearly that there has been a close relationship between Bangka Island with mainland Asia. According to experts and Prof. Soekmono, carrier Dong Son culture is the same race as the carrier of culture in the Neolithic ax Metres (young stone age) are Austronesian peoples, they are the ancestors of Indonesia which came in the second wave around the year 500 BC. The findings of a number of pottery shards from the South China XII-XIII century Sung Dynasty Kotakapur site reinforces the statement that there has been a process of trade through the exchange of goods with the Chinese who had trade relations with Sriwijaya. Note China, Hsin-shu-tang (Sung Dynasty history) said that in that time Srivijaya 14 cities already have trade, perhaps including salahsatunya Kotakapur, it is evident, that the location of Kotakapur is plain that deal directly with the waters in the Strait of Bangka.
The final conclusions of archaeological finds and inscriptions on the site Kotakapur shows that the region is not only growing Kedatuan Srivijaya and influenced by the culture and Buddhism alone, but also influenced by Hinduism, Hinduism and even flow of Vishnu (Vaishnava) has been developed and is growing rapidly Bangka Island before Sriwijaya expanded powers to Bangka Island in the late seventh century BC. Hinduism at that time is still growing in Sumatra, seen from the findings and Yoni Angsoka temple in the region of Palembang. In the X to XII centuries AD, Hinduism apparently reached the peak of its development, it is proved by the discovery of the statues and temple complex outside Palembang region, which is on the site Tanahabang, Muaraenim, South Sumatra (Erwan Suryanegara, 2008). At the same time the flow of Vaishnava Hinduism also flourished in mainland Southeast Asia and the northern coast of West Java.
Kotakapur inscriptions and other archaeological finds at the site location Kotakapur currently stored in the National Museum of Archeology and Palembang, this was probably because the Pacific Islands Islands Province has yet to have a regional museum as a representative for the store and introduce objects historic. Inscription Kotakapur itself based on the information currently still in the Netherlands Rijk Museum for exhibition purposes. Of archaeological finds is very clear, that the site itself Kotakapur Kotakapur and have the inscription of the utmost importance to the history of the Pacific Islands, Indonesia history, even the history of the world. Do not let the Pacific Islands as a country saying no because of ignorance of the history of the civilizations of the past. Various studies have been conducted on the site Kotakapur in 1992, 1993, 1996, 2008, 2010, but was done partially as well as research results are not made public, it's time to many results and findings of research conducted both by our own people and by the people foreigners gathered to learn the interests of education, science, culture and tourism.
At The trip activities Pangkalpinang City History 2009 to Kotakapur, with participants about 80 people consisting of teachers of history, Learners and the Press which aims to raise awareness of the history and culture and to instill the values of struggle and unity as well as to strengthen the integration of cultural values and identity of the nation, the tour participants to obtain a disappointment as well as tiring as the road that leads World Kotakapur broken and the location of the site not found the slightest hint that this place never grow and develop a civilization from the Bangka were quite old and has been highly developed . Conditions of the site consists of secondary forest, scrub and gardens and forests Cempedak Rubber. The remains of two buildings findings Hindu temple made of white stone materials were also found to place two statues and a number of fragments (fragments) Vaishnava statues hands are dumped or closed back with soil to secure not to rock the temple taken for various purposes. Community sekitarpun hardly have the emotional attachment to the existence of the site Kotakapur. According to residents in the village Kotakapur everyone who comes will certainly ask and was disappointed to see the conditions that exist in the absence of information and the absence of signs of the existence of the site Kotakapur at the site. Conditions most concern again today is the threat of illegal tin mining by unscrupulous members of the community around the site and the waters around the location of the site, if this is allowed and there is no concrete action and strict rules will cause loss and damage to the site Kotakapur from the earth. Concrete steps that need to be done is to place the location of land acquisition of the ownership of the site and make it owned by the government, then the location of the site was given a fence or sign, that the area is the area of heritage sites and objects are protected by the Act No. 11 Year 2010 on Heritage, along with criminal threats, if necessary, be made Provincial Regulation which establishes a regional or site Kotakapur Strategic Areas protected Provincial Tourism Law No. 10 Year 2009 on Tourism. The next step that needs to be done is handling seriously and is integrated with the formation and establishment of an integrated management of the cultural heritage and sites Kotakapur as currently done by the government in the area of cultural heritage and the Prambanan temple in Sangiran hominid sites. This activity should involve all components ranging from the Central Government, Provincial Government and Regency / City as well as communities around the site, because the business of preservation (protection, development and utilization) concurent cultural heritage is an authority or authorities to be dealt / taken care of jointly by government and society, for that we need a Master Plan for Development of the integral Kotakapur site object. Preparation of community resources in the vicinity of the site is also very urgent to be implemented because society that will benefit directly if the region or site Kotakapur into one area of culture and tourism. As a simple example of an interesting writer to the Selayar Island which is located quite far end of South Sulawesi province. Selayar Island known to the world as it has archaeological sites and objects called Bronze Nekara unique, because the painting / carving on Nekara carvings depict animals that are not there or do not live on the island Selayar own. Travel by land, sea and air to be taken far enough and exhausting to be relieved after witnessing the physical form or shape Nekara Bronze Selayar Island as a result of human civilization so advanced. Selayar island became famous throughout the world for anyone to go and visit there to see, learn and witness firsthand where Nekara Bronze Selayar Island. It would be interesting if something like this is done in Kotakapur, what a wonderful thing for the community and for the community Kotakapur Bangka Island. Many people from all over the world who will come to visit the island of Bangka Kotakapur to watch Kotakapur inscriptions and other archaeological relics, not like the present state, site unseen, archaeological findings strewn everywhere, while the inscription Kotakapurnya the world to visit people in Europe to participate in the exhibition, I hope inscription Kotakapur quickly return to their homeland, not broken or missing.
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